Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • Marie Babel was the Scientific Chair of the workshop “Serious game et réalité virtuelle : de la conception à l'utilisation” organized in Inria Rennes on December 15th 2017.

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • Marie Babel and Patrick Rives were in the Organizing Committee of JNRR 2017 (“Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique”) held in Biarritz in November 2017

  • Alexandre Krupa co-organized with Christoph Hennersperger (Technical University of Munich) and Danail Stoyanov (University College London) the Workshop on “Medical Imaging Robotics” at IROS 2017, Vancouver, Canada (http://robotic-imaging.com)

  • Claudio Pacchierotti was the Publicity Chair of the 2017 IEEE World Haptics conference held in Münich, Germany. He also co-organized the workshop on “Wearable haptic systems: design, applications, and perspectives,” at this conference.

  • Paolo Robuffo Giordano was Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Int. Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS 2017)

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • Julien Pettré was Program Chair for the 2017 ACM Motion in Games Conference, Barcelona, 8-10 November 2017

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • François Chaumette: ICRA 2018 (Associate Editor)

  • Claudio Pacchierotti: WHC 2017 (Associate Editor)

  • Julien Pettré: Eurographics 2017, ACM SCA 2017

  • Patrick Rives: ICINCO 2017 (Program Committee Membership)

  • Paolo Robuffo Giordano: IROS 2018 (Associate Editor), ICRA 2018 (Associate Editor), RSS 2018, ISRR 2017

  • Marie Babel: ICRA 2017 (1)

  • François Chaumette: CDC 2017 (1)

  • Vincent Drevelle: IROS 2017 (1)

  • Alexandre Krupa: IROS 2017 (1), Surgetica 2017 (1), ICRA 2018 (1)

  • Eric Marchand: IROS 2017 (3), ICRA 2018 (2)

  • Claudio Pacchierotti: WHC 2017, ICRA 2017, IROS 2017, Haptics 2018, also Senior Reviewer for IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Young Reviewers Program (from 2016)

  • Julien Pettré: ACM SIGGRAPH (2), ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 (2), Eurographics 2018 (1), IEEE VR 2018 (1), ACM SCA 2017 (2)

  • Patrick Rives: ICRA 2017 (3), CVPR 2017 (2), ICCV 2017, Icinco 2017 (3), IV 2017 (1), PPINV 2017 (3)

  • Paolo Robuffo Giordano: ACC 2017 (1), HFR 2017(2), ICRA 2018(2), IROS 2017(2)

  • Paolo Salaris: ACC 2017 (1), RSS 2017 (2), IROS 2017 (1)

  • Fabien Spindler: IROS 2017 (1)


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • François Chaumette: Editorial Board of the Int. Journal of Robotics Research, Funding Senior Editor of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Editorial Board of the Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, Board Member of the Springer Encyclopedia of Robotics, Senior Editor of the IEEE Trans. on Robotics (from December 2017).

  • Alexandre Krupa and Eric Marchand are Associate Editors of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.

  • Julien Pettré: Editorial board of Collective Dynamics, Associate Editor for Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Marie Babel: IEEE RAL (1), IEEE THMS (1)

  • François Chaumette: Journal of Intelligent & Robotics Systems (1), Int. Journal of Robotics Research (1)

  • Alexandre Krupa: Int. Journal of Robotics Research (1)

  • Eric Marchand: Int. Journal of Robotics Research (1)

  • Claudio Pacchierotti: TOH (5), RAL (8), TBME (1), TMECH(1), IJMRCAS(1), Plos One (1)

  • Julien Pettré: Plos One (1), Wiley's Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (1), Current Directions in Psychological Science (1), Elsevier's Computer and Graphics (1), IEEE TVCG (1), Journal of Motor Behavior (1).

  • Patrick Rives: IEEE-Robotics and Automation Letters (1)

  • Paolo Robuffo Giordano: L-CSS(1), RAL (1), TRO (1), TSMC (1)

  • Paolo Salaris: IEEE-Robotics and Automation Letters (1), IEEE Trans. on Control, Systems Technology (1), Int. Journal of Robotics Research (1), Int. Journal of Control, Automation and Systems IJCAS (1)

Invited Talks

  • Marie Babel:

    • “Assistance and Service Robotics in a Human Environment Workshop” at IEEE IROS 2017 workshop about “Smart wheelchairs: the tomorrow's vehicles?”.

    • “Navigation en milieu humain : comprendre pour mieux assister” at JNRR 2017

  • François Chaumette: “Visual servoing with and without image processing”, University of Zhejiang, December 2017.

  • Vincent Drevelle: “Set-membership interval methods for observation robotics”, ENSTA Bretagne, Brest, France, October 2017.

  • Eric Marchand: “The dense approach for visual servoing”, “Journées scientifiques” Inria, Sophia Antipolis, June 2017.

  • Claudio Pacchierotti: “Wearable haptics for VR and AR”. Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, 2017.

  • Julien Pettré:

    • “Microscopic crowd modeling and simulation: an holistic approach”, Univ. Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), May 2017

    • “Pedestrian Dynamics: Modeling, Validation and Calibration”, Brown University ICERM workshop, August 2017

    • “Velocity-based algorithms for crowd simulation”, workshop “Piétons et foules”, Univ. Orsay, December 2017

  • Paolo Robuffo Giordano:

    • “A New Look at Shared Control for Complex Robotics Systems”. Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Rennes, France, December 2017

    • “Blending Human Assistance and Local Autonomy for Advanced Telemanipulation”. Humanoids 2017 Workshop on Towards Robust Grasping And Manipulation Skills For Humanoids, November 2017

    • “Recent Results on Shared Control for Human- assisted Telemanipulation”. IROS 2017 Workshop on Human in-the-loop robotic manipulation: on the influence of the human role, September 2017

    • “Shared Control Architectures for Single and Multiple Robots”. LS2N, Nantes, France, July 2017

    • “Graph-Theoretical Tools for Sensor-based Multi-Robot Applications”. Robolog 2017 workshop, IRISA, France, June 2017

    • “Collective Control, State Estimation and Human Interaction for Quadrotors in Unstructured Environments”. ICRA 2017 Workshop on Human Multi-Robot System Interaction, June 2017

    • “Recent results in Collective Control, State Estimation and Human Interaction for Quadrotors in Unstructured Environments”. Aerial Robotics workshop, Paris, France, March 2017

  • Fabien Spindler: “ViSP integration in ROS ecosystem”, “Journée technique : retour d'expériences autour de ROS” organized by “Réseau métier des roboticiens et mécatroniciens”, Cité Scientifique de l'Université de Lille, August 2017.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • François Chaumette is a 2016-2019 elected member of the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. He is also a member of the Scientific Council of the CNRS INS2I and vice-president of the Tremplin-ERC ANR program.

  • Claudio Pacchierotti is the Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Haptics.

  • Philippe Martinet is vice-president of the “GdR Robotique”. François Chaumette and Patrick Rives are members of its scientific council.

Scientific Expertise

  • Marie Babel served as an expert for the International Mission of the French Research Ministry (MEIRIES).

  • François Chaumette served as a Panel member for the ERC PE7 consolidator grants. He also served in the selection committee for a Professor position at UTC (Compiègne). He was also involved in the evaluation of a research proposal submitted to the Research Foundation of Flanders, and for an Associate Prof. position at the City University of Hong Kong.

  • Claudio Pacchierotti was a member of the jury for the EuroHaptics Best PhD thesis award, for the Robotics Made in Italy Video Contest, and served for Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study of the Technical University of Munich (TUM-IAS).

  • Paolo Robuffo Giordano was reviewer of ERC Starting Grants and Consolidator Grants for the EU, of ANR projects, and of NWO projects (Dutch funding agency).

  • Patrick Rives served as member of the “Comité d'Evaluation” of the ANR Challenge “Malin” and of the ANR Challenge “Rose”.

Research Administration

  • François Chaumette serves as the president of the committee in charge of all the temporary recruitments (“Commission Personnel”) at Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique and Irisa. He is also a member of the Head team of Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique.

  • Eric Marchand served as secretary in the board of the “Association Française pour la Reconnaissance et l’Interprétation des Formes” (AFRIF). He is also in charge of the Irisa Ph.D. students in the committee in charge of all the temporary recruitments (“Commission Personnel”) at Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique and Irisa. He is in the board of the “Pôle Images et Réseaux” and in the board of “Ecole doctorale Matisse”.

  • Alexandre Krupa is a member of the CUMIR (“Commission des Utilisateurs des Moyens Informatiques pour la Recherche”) of Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique.

  • Paolo Salaris is member of the “Comité de Suivi Doctoral (CSD)” of Inria Sophia Antipolis.